
Lessons from Russia Ukraine War

  What should we learn from Russia Ukraine War? Before we come to our main topic, we must know some things: What should we learn from Russia Ukraine War? Why the War Started between Russia Ukraine War? In simple or basic, the war stared between Russia Ukraine due to safety reason. Ukraine wants not to be interfered of Russia. And Russia wants not interfere of NATO ( North Atlantic Treaty Organization ) . And, Ukraine wants to join NATO so that Russia can’t interfere because Russia and NATO are the opponent. But, if Ukraine join NATO, America with other countries army come across Russia border. That’s why Russia aggressively oppose Ukraine to join NATO. Now, let’s come to our real topic i.e. Lessons that should be learn from Russia Ukraine War . A famous saying is; An intelligent person is not who only learn from his own mistakes, an intelligent person is that who learn from

Importance of games in our life

  IMPORTANCE OF GAMES IN OUR LIFE As we know, the game plays very important role in everyone's life. It is very important to play any games either indoor or, outdoor games. It provides us mental as well as physical exercise and keep us healthy.   Through this paragraph(page), i gave you some basic idea but very very important. through this you can write essay (short), get basic knowledge.                           TYPES OF GAMES   There are two types of games i.e., outdoor game & indoor game . Outdoor game is played outside the house or takes more space. Like cricket, Kabaddi , football, volleyball, cycling, swimming, hide & sick and many more.   While indoor game can be played inside the house or takes less space. Like, chess, Ludo, Carrom, wrestling, video games and many more. Basically, outdoor games are more physically than indoor game while indoor game is more mentally than outdoor games.   IMPO

Lockdown is boon or curse | lockdown is good or bad

  Firstly ,  what is lockdown ? Lockdown is a kind of emergency through which people or community have to stay where they are. But it doesn't restrict any essential services, press and media also. Lockdown is usually imposed in that place from where there is a danger of other people or country. Like, war/battle time or, health emergency due to contagious virus like Covid 19 , Noro viruses , influenza etc. The term "stay-at-home & "shelter-in-place" is often used for lockdown.   Lockdown is boon or curse As we, know the term lockdown become famous in Covid 19 time. Before this most of people doesn't know this term. This is a negative term. But this time people have to face it.         So, let's know lockdown is boon or, curse for us through the following point and paragraph. Lockdown is boon or curse As we know, coronavirus has created my problems in our life, many people lost their lives, jobs, physical as well as economical condition.

Slow and steady wins the race | slow and steady wins the race proverb expansion

         Very short explanation: - If you have patience then definitely your victory is sure. No matter, how slow are you. It only matter that you are doing slow but continue with positive mind.    In this blog we will get some idea about this proverb or topic. easy, short and valuable article for you.     SLOW & STEADY WINS THE RACE Success comes to that people who does slow but continue in his work. Only then they will achieve their goal. This proverb refers to slow but continue working in right direction can change the end result of every situation. Slow and steady wins the race It is not necessary that success comes to clever and fast working people. But it is necessary that success comes to that people who does their work slow and continue.     SLOW & STEADY WINS THE RACE EXAMPLE   Take an example of a clever student, sometimes he gets less marks in his or her examination. Because, she or he is fully confident tha