Lessons from Russia Ukraine War

  What should we learn from Russia Ukraine War? Before we come to our main topic, we must know some things: What should we learn from Russia Ukraine War? Why the War Started between Russia Ukraine War? In simple or basic, the war stared between Russia Ukraine due to safety reason. Ukraine wants not to be interfered of Russia. And Russia wants not interfere of NATO ( North Atlantic Treaty Organization ) . And, Ukraine wants to join NATO so that Russia can’t interfere because Russia and NATO are the opponent. But, if Ukraine join NATO, America with other countries army come across Russia border. That’s why Russia aggressively oppose Ukraine to join NATO. Now, let’s come to our real topic i.e. Lessons that should be learn from Russia Ukraine War . A famous saying is; An intelligent person is not who only learn from his own mistakes, an intelligent person is that who learn from

SCIENCE IS BOON & CURSE | science is boon or bane | science is good or bad


Performing activities or, practically a systematic manner is known as Science. Science has power to create a life meanwhile it has power to destroy a life also. It depends upon how we use. so, the reaction of science in two way first in positive and second in negative like a coin which has two face. So, the science is boon and curse.

 In this era, we are fully depending upon science. Like mobile, TV, fan, ac, videogame, entertainment, online shopping, traveling, communicating, and in health sector medicine to surgery, etc. so we can’t imagine life without science. At this time our science has so develop that we can create an artificial world and also live, we reached another planet, etc.

Science is boon and curse
Positive aspect and negative aspect of science  

Science is boon

 Science is definitely boon. Its fully depend upon how we use it. It can be understood by taking a small example. When science doesn’t develop. It takes more time to cover a short distance. If emergency comes in that situation like someone is ill then most of people dies due to not reach hospital on time. But now we have fastest meant of transport so in emergency we can reach anywhere on time. But it has also negative impact i.e., many of people dies by accident approx.  1.35 millions (source WHO) people per year. And one most common example is also that when science doesn’t develop then people have to face many problems for water. But now people get water by pressing on button and get water. But people also misusing this and waste water due to that many of the area have to face water crisis. So, science has positive impact then it has also negative impact.

Harmful of science  

If science makes our life easy then its also make our life harmful. But, it totally dependent upon human how they use it. It is a shameful human mind which led us to think that science is boon or curse.

  So, science is neither a boon nor a curse. It’s just a process to do something. But it has power to turn disastrous life to destructive life. Like, 6 August 1945, 129000 to 226000 people’s life was destroyed within a second in Nagasaki & Hiroshima.

You can also take the example of mobile and another device that’s make our life easy. Advantage of mobile is, we can read something, connect to the world through social media, business purpose, entertainment purpose, online shopping etc. but, side-effect of mobile is: - it makes us lazy, kills times, create eye problem, blunt minded people, short temper mind and most of people want not to do any physical activities and this create diadetes etc. through this we thought we are connected with world but in reality, we are disconnected by our family and neighbours. So, in difficulties we found that we are alone. In that case if we can’t solve our difficulties ourself then we feel lonely and suffocate. and most of people take dangerous activities like harming another people, mental disability or kill himself/herself.

           You can also take the example of COVID-19, most of people says that it is made in laboratory and some also says this is natural virus, it another topic. But it is epidemic of science which is wrongly used by human. So, human is facing this difficulty i.e., more than 3263874 (08/05/2021) died. In another face it is bless of science that it also saves people by proper care, medicines, also vaccination. So, science create problem and also solve that problem. It is also said by GEORGE BERNARDSHAW that “science… never solve a problem without creating ten more.”  

                                               That’s all thank you!


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